Saturday, May 26, 2007

Firefox keybord shortcuts for urls

Here are some useful firefox keyboard shorcuts for urls:

Ctrl + enter : to complete a .com url . You can type "google" in the url bar and then ctrl + enter to complete the "".

Ctrl + shift + enter : to complete a .org url . You can type "mysql" in the url bar and then ctrl + shift + enter to complete the "".

F6: to select or move the cursor to the address in the url bar.

Ctrl + k : to move the cursor to the search box.


Anonymous said...

You can also move the cursor to the Addressline by using CTRL-L

Carlos said...

Thanks, that's correct

Anonymous said...

another shortcut

shift + Enter for http://www. + .net

Also intersting

31 ALT codes for Symbols
1 = ☺
3= ♥
16 ►
26 →

